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Yearling T-Bone Fairlight Red - Whole Portion 3.678kg

Yearling T-Bone Fairlight Red - Whole Portion 3.678kg

Regular price $99.27
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Fairlight Red Beef is a premium line of veal and young beef produced by Fairlight Specialty Meats, renowned for its exceptional quality and delicate flavour. Sourced from the fertile Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia, this beef is characterised by its light pink colour, smooth consistency, fine texture, and tenderness. 

Key features of Fairlight Red Beef include:

  • Natural Rearing Practices: Calves are humanely raised on their mother's milk and have access to open pastures with premium feed, ensuring a natural growth process.

  • Hormone and Antibiotic-Free: The cattle are raised without the use of hormone growth promotants or genetic modifications, resulting in a pure and natural product.

  • Exceptional Eating Experience: The meticulous rearing practices contribute to meat that is tender, juicy, and flavorful, making it a preferred choice for gourmet butchers and fine dining establishments worldwide.

  • Fairlight Red Beef is part of the product range offered by Northern Rivers Meats, an integrated beef and veal business known for marketing high-quality meat products.

    $26.99 per kilo
    Weights are approximate
    100% Australian Beef

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